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Cruise Ship Agent (agent kapal pesiar)

Wednesday by indra

Lots of young people dream about working at sea and especially on cruise ships (cruiseliners), but few can imagine what cruise jobs are really like. The reality is that candidates for cruise ship employment have to realise that they are applying for a job, not a holiday!

If we are accepted at their interview with a representative of a particular cruise line we cannot choose the cruise ship or the trading area but must strictly comply with the requirements of the Cruise Line which hired us.

New crew members on a cruise ship have to undergo some degree of training after joining the ship, and must accept discipline and various restrictions (e. not to enter the passenger area when not on duty). Our supervisors will expect us to work hard with a permanent smile on our face. On the other hand, cruise ship work gives young people a good income and the chance to visit a variety of beautiful and exotic places.

Recruitment Agents:

PT. Ratu Oceania Raya (Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises)
Bintaro Trade Centre
Blok B2 No.5
Sektor 7, Bintaro Jaya
Tangerang 15224
Phone: 62 21 745 3381 / 745 3433
Fax: 62 21 745 4281

SBI Menara Sudirman Lt. 16 (Holland America)
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 60 Jakarta
Telp.62 21-5227717

PT. Meranti Magsaysay (costa cruise, aida, princes and Star cruise)
Graha Bintang Lt I
Jl. Teluk Betutu No.5
Dukuh Atas Jakarta Pusat
Telp. 62 21-3908893

CTI Jakarta (Carnival Cruise line)
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. B-7, Lt. 2, No. 206
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Telp. 62 21-5204287

CTI Yogya (Carnival Cruise line)
Jl Babadan 497 RT 18/RW17
Banguntapan Yoygyakarta
Telp. 62 274 517375

Indomarina (kapal putih)
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 1, Menteng,
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telp. 62 21-39837539

Papamitsos (kapal putih)
Gedung Muzatek Blok C-1, Lt. 9.
Jl. Sukarjo Wiryopranoto No. 30-36
Wisma Sawah Besar
Jakarta Pusat 10120
Telp. 62 21-3811220

Panatara Damas (Norwegia Cruise line)
Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam Raya No. 79 A
Jakarta Selatan 12810
Telp. 62 21-8309588

Aweidhia Jakarta Group
Jln.Warakas II No.1
Tel: +62 21 43937204
Fax: +62 21 43906856

Bahana Galang Jaya
Jl. Brigjen Katamso Km.6
Tanjung Uncang
Batam Island
Tel: +62 778 394815
Fax: +62 778 394814

Bosso Mario Co
Jln. Cilincing Bakti VI No. 28
Jakarta 14120
Tel: +62 21 44835163
Fax: +62 21 44832390

Hotelier Aagency Indonesia
Patra Office Tower
3rd Fl Suite 314
JL. Gatot Subroto 32-34
Jakarta 12950
Tel: +62.21.52901191
Fax: +62.21.52901191

JAM Worldwide
JAM Worldwide / PT. Jasa Adi Mandiri
Wisma Dharmala Sakti Building
19th Floor
Jl Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 32
Jakarta 10220
Tel: +62 (0) 21 5737979
Fax: +62 (0) 21 5708144

Java Marine Services, Ltd
MTC (Metro Trade Centre)
Kav C-35 Soekarno - Hatta
Tel: +62 22 70118230
Fax: +62 22 753 7572

PT Artistika Star Service
Jl. Warakas IV
Gg. 20 No: 8a
Tel: +62 21 43913730, +62 21 708828
Fax: +62 21 43913730

Wishnu Cakra Gemilang
JL. Gatsu Timur
Ganetri No. 19.
Tel: +62 361 243748
Fax: +62 361 243748

PT. Yossindo Shipping
Laks. Madya Yos
Sudarso Street No: 2A
Lorong 2 Timur
Rt: 001/01 Kelurahan Koja
Tanjung Priok
North of Jakarta
Tel: 62-21 43911071
Fax: 62-21 43911072

support link klik here

do you have other information?

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Anonymous said...

pesan bagi teman-teman yang ingin kerja di kapal pesiar supaya memperbanyak informasi khususnya tentang kapal pesiar dan posisi yang akan di apply.

somoga dengan belajar, berusaha dan berdoa cita-cita anda bisa tercapai.


Anonymous said...

apa kabar ndra? udah naik ke kapal belon?
Kalo udah jangan lupa ceritain pengalamannya, ya?
semoga sukses.

Anonymous said...
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indra said...

to batman: Currently I am still waiting to be call to go on board. Everything related to interview, test and documents is done, I am just waiting for now. I will surely tell you the stories about being yacht crew experiences, so just wait and see, there will be much more interesting stories…hehehe (jaya di laut, buaya di darat eh salah jaya di darat)

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